Portada » Aprende con Montessori

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Juego de motricidad formas y colores

14,00  (VAT not included)

¿Te atreves a encajar las piezas?

El juego consiste en asignar las distintas formas geométricas de madera a la posición de su color correspondiente en la paleta del pintor superando los distintos obstáculos de los postes (los huecos de las piezas del molde deben coincidir con la posición de las pequeñas clavijas del palo).
  • Hecho de madera robusta.
  • Con piezas moldeadas de fácil agarre para los niños, ideales para las manos de los niños pequeños
  • Con varillas flexibles, para mayor seguridad durante el juego
  • Fomenta la motricidad fina y la coordinación mano-ojo

Tablero sensorial Montessori – Bloqueo y rotación

31,40  (VAT not included)

¡Cerraduras para aprender a abrir y a cerrar!

Juego variado y diversión motriz es lo que ofrece este tablero de aprendizaje de madera, que está equipado con cerraduras y juegos de giro de diferentes diseños reales.
  • Tablero de aprendizaje de madera para aprender habilidades prácticas de la vida diaria.
  • Con: cerradura de palanca, cadena de puerta, mosquetón, así como carrete, cofre, cerrojo y cerradura de cilindro con llave.
  • Incluye opciones de juego adicionales, como dos juegos de ruedas dentadas con miniluna, un soporte vertical roscado con tuercas para girar y una bocina chirriante.
  • La motricidad fina se entrena durante el giro, la apertura y el cierre.
  • Forma ergonómica para jugar cómodamente delante de si mismo o sobre el regazo.
  • Con asa para transportar o colgar.
  • Diseño moderno en colores de moda y con alto contenido de madera visible.

XXL multisensory pre-writing tray

58,90  (VAT not included)

Write multisensory!

The extra-large multisensory tray is a resource that allows the creative representation of figures through touch or drawing.

  • Inspired by the Montessori methodology.
  • It allows to promote pre-writing tasks, stimulate hand-eye coordination, train fine psychomotor skills...
  • It encourages imagination and creativity.
  • Ideal to create a multi-sensory space, a corner in the classroom, to have it in session or at home, etc.
  • Use at individual and/or group level.
  • The game set includes:
    • 1 wooden tray (58.9 x 40.2 cm)
    • 1 Reversible blackboard: for chalk and erasable marker pen
    • 3 chalks and 1 eraser
    • 1 marker pen
    • 3 sand bags (0,4 kg)
    • 1 sand straightener

Tarjetas de madera con números – Montessori

10,60  (VAT not included)

Aprende y experimenta con la numeración y su descomposición.

Con este material, inspirado en la metodología Montessori, podrás enseñar a los niños los números del 1 al 1000 y su descomposición.
  • Incluye una caja de madera con tarjetas de números que van del 1 al 1000.
  • Los números están en diferentes colores para representar unidades, decenas, centenas y millares.
  • Inspirada en la metodología Montessori
  • Edad recomendada: a partir de 4 años.

Estación de escritura

Sold out (VAT not included)

Aprende las letras y las primeras palabras de manera sensorial y manipulativa.

Esta tablilla de madera maciza es ideal para aprender las letras y las primeras palabras, siguiendo el método Montessori. El pack incluye:
  • Contenido:
    • 30 tarjetas
    • 1 tablero de 34,5 x 28 cm.
    • 4 tizas
    • 99 letras
    • 2 bolsas
  • Abecedario en letra minúscula (letra ligada).
  • Dos niveles, según el rendimiento lectoescritor.
  • Inspirado en la metodología Montessori.
  • A partir de 3 años.

Juego de palabras – Cubos de madera

10,90  (VAT not included)

¡Aprendemos con los dados!

Con estos bloques de madera con letras podrás aprender el reconocimiento de letras, la ortografía, el aprendizaje de palabras y el vocabulario.
  • Incluye:
    • 1 base de madera
    • 8 bloques de madera
    • 30 tarjetas con 60 ilustraciones.
  • Descargable de tarjetas también en inglés (con código QR).
  • 3 formas de jugar.
  • Edad: a partir de 3 años.

Bandeja de experimentación sensorial

Sold out (VAT not included)

Explora la imaginación y crea tu propio minimundo.

Esta bandeja es ideal para que los peques puedan manipular y experimentar, con diferentes elementos: agua, arena, juegos de construcción, plastilina, arcilla…

  • Uso muy versátil: permite construir paisajes y escenas fascinantes. 
  • Perfecta para actividades de aprendizaje sensorial, juego imaginativo, experimentación científica, etc. 
  • Material: plástico.
  • Fácil de limpiar.
  • Apta para uso en interior y exterior.

Laboratorio de escritura – Montessori

20,50  (VAT not included)

Lee y escribe de manera divertida.

El juego está inspirado en el método de tres tiempos de Montessori para aprender a leer y escribir de una manera divertida. Las niñas y niños unen los puzzles en pequeñas casas, escriben palabras utilizando letras y aprenden a escribirlas por ellas/ellos mismos con el rotulador borrable.

  • Contenido:
    • 3 tableros con forma de casa
    • 72 fichas de letra
    • 18 puzles
    • 3 pizarras blancas
    • 1 rotulador borrable
    • 1 guía de juego.
  • Basado en el método Montessori.
  • Ayuda al reconocimiento de las palabras, la memorización de conceptos, las escritura y la lectura.
  • Medidas: 28,5 x 6,1 x 25,5 cm; 680 gramos


13,50  (VAT not included)

¡Aprendizaje e imaginación a raudales!

Una forma divertida para aprender a leer palabras: junta las sílabas para crear a los animales. Luego, mezcla las fichas para crear nuevas criaturas fantásticas, dejando que tu imaginación y creatividad vuelen.
  • Crear Palabras y Animales Fantásticos.
  • Fomentar el desarrollo lingüístico y la imaginación gracias al juego basado en el método Montessori.
  • Recomendado para niños y niñas de entre 4 y 7 años.

Tablero números – Montessori

13,21  (VAT not included)

Un tablero reversible para aprender los números.

Con este juego los peques podrán iniciarse y descubrir los números del 1 al 10 y su trazo, de una forma sensorial y manipulativa. Puedes trazar las hendiduras con el lápiz incluido o bien, con el dedo, potenciando así el desarrollo sensorial. En el reverso del tablero podrás aprender los números del 1 al 10 a través del uso de las bolas de fieltro y clasificándolas por colores y/o números.
  • Incluye:
    • 1 tablero 29 x 20 cm
    • 1 pinza
    • 1 lápiz
    • 55 bolas de colores
  • Potencia el desarrollo sensorial.
  • A partir de 3 años.

Figuras geométricas regulares e irregulares

17,50  (VAT not included)

Conoce las formas y sus propiedades.

Juego de 6 piezas o figuras geométricas de acrílico, de diferentes colores y formas (rosa, azul, amarillo, verde, morado y naranja - cuadrado, rectángulo, círculo, triángulo, pentágono y hexágono) muy útiles para ser utilizadas en un panel luminoso. Recurso muy práctico para el reconocimiento de formas y colores, descubrir la mezcla del color, el desarrollo matemático, etc.
  • Colores translúcidos en 6 colores brillantes.
  • Material acrílico de 3 mm.
  • Disponen de un orificio de 2,5 mm para que puedan colgarse contra una ventana o al aire libre para crear sombras de formas coloridas.
  • Ideales para:
    • Reconocer formas y colores, mezclar colores, etc.
    • Ofrecer conocimientos básicos sobre la relación entre formas regulares e irregulares
    • Aprender sobre los nombres de las formas y sus propiedades.
    • Trabajar conceptos matemáticos como lado, punto, curva, interior, exterior, plano, 2D, sólido, 3D, ángulo y simetría.
  • Apoya diferentes áreas de aprendizaje:
    • Matemáticas: forma y espacio
    • Comprender el mundo - color
    • Comunicación y lenguaje: razonamiento
  • A partir de 3 años.

Orionis Sensory Star – Estrella sensorial

16,10  (VAT not included)

¡Magia y exploración sensorial!

Esta estrella sensorial, que contiene un líquido azul flotante y pigmentos fluorescentes y fosforescentes, estimula la observación, la atención y la imaginación tanto en niños como en adultos. Llenas de líquidos de colores, purpurinas y fluidos fluorescentes y brilla en la oscuridad con sus destellos estelares.
Basta con cargarla en una fuente de luz natural o en luz negra, llevarla a un lugar oscuro y... ¡Empieza el espectáculo!

Características del producto:

  • Dimensiones aproximadas: 19 x 19 x 2 cm.
  • Marco de madera de haya resistente y seguro para las manos de tu bebé.
  • Estimula la calma, la observación, la atención y la imaginación.
  • Ideal para su uso con mesas de luz, experimentando con los efectos de la luz.
  • Presentada en un embalaje sencillo, ecológico y sostenible.
No sumergir en agua ni exponer al sol durante largas horas, para su higiene aconsejamos pasar una toallita de higiene específica o trapo húmedo.

Botella sensorial – Sound Rabbit

10,60  (VAT not included)

¿Conseguirás encontrar el huevo?

¿Oyes eso? Allí afuera la primavera está despertando y el Conejito de Pascua salta y corretea alegremente entre las zanahorias. ¿Podrás encontrar el huevo de chocolate que ha escondido?

Las botellas sensoriales son un magnífico recurso para:
  • Transmitir calma.
  • Descubrir un universo lleno de estímulos.
  • Activar el sentido auditivo y las emociones.
  • Desarrollar el conocimiento del entorno, introducir nuevo vocabulario...

Dimensiones de cada botella: 14 cm x 4 cm.

No sumergir en agua ni exponer al sol durante largas horas, para su higiene aconsejamos pasar una toallita de higiene específica o trapo húmedo.

Botella sensorial – Sound Dragon

10,60  (VAT not included)

¡Explora, deja volar los sentidos y aprende jugando!

Esta fascinante botellita contiene un nuevo inquilino. ¿Puedes encontrarlo? Una pista: es grandote, tiene alas y ¡echa fuego por la boca!

Las botellas sensoriales son un magnífico recurso para:
  • Transmitir calma.
  • Descubrir un universo lleno de estímulos.
  • Activar el sentido auditivo y las emociones.
  • Desarrollar el conocimiento del entorno, introducir nuevo vocabulario...

Dimensiones de cada botella: 14 cm x 4 cm.

No sumergir en agua ni exponer al sol durante largas horas, para su higiene aconsejamos pasar una toallita de higiene específica o trapo húmedo.

Sensory Bottle – Move Bottle Duck

13,50  (VAT not included)

Get into the water and discover the ducks!

Mommy duck takes a dip and plays with her beach ball. Can you see her ducklings diving underwater?

This sensory bottle contains a liquid of floating effect that will love the little ones. Every time the bottle is shaken… the journey begins! Different elements begin to float with the change in density of the liquid, in a bubble-filled daydream that captures your imagination and helps you feel relaxed.

Sensory bottles are a great resource for:
  • Promote calmness.
  • Discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • Activate the visual sense and emotions.
  • Develop knowledge of the environment, introduce new vocabulary...

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Sensory bottle – Fluorescent pink

10,90  (VAT not included)

Light, color and magic.

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Cursive textures alphabet – Montessori

25,88  (VAT not included)

Let's play!

With this material you can work the letters by touch and provide an extra sensory stimulus to work on the development of reading and writing. Formed by:

  • 2 sets of 26 unbreakable alphabet letters.
  • Made of a rough material.
  • Vowels are presented on a pink background and consonants on a blue background.
  • The graphics are adhered to a rigid, tear-resistant, non-deformable plastic base.
  • It has a removable ring to bind the cards together, which is removable to promote associations, rankings and classifications.
  • Card dimensions: 15 x 12 cm.
  • Ø aro: 3,5 cm.Ø hoop: 3.5 cm.
  • From 3 years old.

Construction set – Rainbow

29,90 61,99  (VAT not included)

Shapes to imagine and create

Spectacular set of geometric shapes, in nest format, to let your imagination fly and create without limits like a real architect.

  • Formed by 4 sets of different geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, triangles and arcs).
  • Made of 3D wood, solid beech wood
  • Ideal for construction, imaginative and collaborative play, motor skills, mathematical concepts, linguistic expression, etc.
  • Available in two sizes: Small and Large.

Stackable tower – Silicone stars

10,60  (VAT not included)

Full color silicone stars

This stackable star-shaped tower is a toy for toddlers from 0 months.

  • 6 rings in the shape of stars, stackable from highest to lowest or upside down.
  • Made of 100% high quality food grade silicone
  • Contributes to the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, learning colors,...
  • Training logic, thinking and problem solving from infancy.
  • Available in pastel colours (pink) or primary colours (red).

Made of high quality BPA-free silicone, easy to clean with soap and water.

Mini wooden dolls

17,20 19,90  (VAT not included)

Figures for my mini-world

Precious figures of solid beech wood and twelve colors very useful to encourage communication, talk about families, feelings and / or emotions.

  • Ideal for creating imaginative scenes, encouraging construction, counting and sorting, stacking, and sequencing
  • Can be included in any loose parts collection, treasure chest or combined with heuristic play resources.

Material: Wood. From 12 months old. Available in 2 different models: with bowls (includes 6 dolls and 6 bowls) or without bowls (includes 12 dolls).

Construction set – Minimundos

13,21  (VAT not included)

Pieces, imagination,... and here we have an exciting mini-world!

Mini-worlds are very attractive environments that allow you to recreate moments of your daily life or real scenarios but on a small scale to encourage expression and free play.

  • They allow construction games, scientific knowledge, social relations, imagination and fantasy, symbolic games...
  • They promote imagination, creativity, vocabulary building, fine motor skills, sensory learning...
  • From 3 years old.
  • Different models available: wooden elements (19 pieces), trees (6 pieces) and houses (5 pieces).

Natural wood curved board

Sold out (VAT not included)

Much more than a balance beam

The Natural Wood Curved Table is a perfect element, simple design and very resistant, so that any child can:

  • Perform balance exercises by climbing on top
  • Have fun letting your imagination run wild
  • Use it as a rocking, relaxing or reading seat.
Ideal for training in the physical development of children from 3 years old. Approx. size: 82 x 17.5 x 29.5 cm.

My city – Montessori

Sold out (VAT not included)

Build this cheerful city and have fun!

This game, in addition to helping us discover the city, recognize the places in the community, distinguish roles and professions, develop civic sense, etc., is an ideal resource to promote language.
  • It fosters the skills of: telling; describing an event; sharing and relating to others; listening; managing emotions; training memory; developing imagination.
  • Contents: 6 city folders, 40 cards.
  • Other accessories: high quality material.

Animal lotto – Montessori

12,00  (VAT not included)

A lively bingo to socialize like a child!

A simple and fun game for:
  • To know the animals and contextualize them in their environment.
  • The kit includes six ambient cartons and thirty animals.
  • We can organize a bingo or show the animals one at a time as flashcards.
  • Recommended for boys and girls from 2 years of age.

My home – Montessori

12,50  (VAT not included)

Wow, what a great house!

With this maxi-game, children get to know the rooms of the house, identify the cut-out objects, recognize the shape and place them in the correct position.
  • 30 profiled objects related to the environments to which they belong (5 for each environment)
  • Ideal for fostering independence, personal identity and autonomy.
  • 6 illustrated cards with the rooms of the house: kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, terrace, attic. 30 profiled objects related to the environments to which they belong (5 for each environment)
  • From 2 years old.

Baby Flashcards – Montessori

9,90  (VAT not included)

My first cards to understand and express

Sturdy and original cards because they are made with special interlocking shapes, Baby Flashcards allow the introduction of new concepts such as names, sounds, numbers, shapes, colors, etc... through various sensory channels and are based on the Montessori method.

  • Promote listening and comprehension of first words and other concepts
  • They promote linguistic skills and the first processes of abstraction.
  • They stimulate tactile sensitivity, visual perception, sound imitation and lexical development.

Sensory Bottle – Flamingo

14,50  (VAT not included)

An authentic flamenco for children's curiosity!

Light, color and magic. With this curious bottle, it's time to relax on this tropical island. Deserted? Not so fast... Among the sand and the colorful landscape we will find many surprises..., including a winged character. A microcosm in each bottle. In each of the Spy Bottles, we recreate a natural environment, with animals that will become the protagonists of your children's imagination.

They will enjoy identifying the animals, imitating them, telling them, creating stories and tales or learning about the different ecosystems.

Includes booklet with suggestions for activities especially recommended for children 18 months and older.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14 x 4 cm.

Sensory bottle – Silver

10,50  (VAT not included)

Silver and glitter!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Fluorescent Yellow

10,90  (VAT not included)

It's showtime!

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.


Sensory Bottle Pack – Twilight

31,60  (VAT not included)

Sunset in bottles!

With these 3 beautiful bottles we will awaken the visual interest of children, thanks to its liquid suspended in gel and its floating shapes and colors.

  • Perfect ally to help manage stress and anxiety
  • Includes Float Orange + Float Yellow + Float Green.
  • Learn colors, improve concentration and promote calmness.
  • Can be used with light tables
  • Recommended from 3 months of age
  • Bottle dimensions: 14cm x 4 cm.

Sensory bottle pack – Nature

42,50  (VAT not included)

Nature in a bottle!

These 3 precious bottles, which simulate a pinch of nature, contain elements of different chromatic tonalities, which attract the eye and the ear. These bottles not only awaken visual interest, but also allow children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

In addition, when the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and mobilize, creating an auditory sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system and helps manage stress and anxiety (and not only for children)...!

Includes: Spy Farm + Spy Jungle + Spy Se. Recommended age: + 3 Months

Sensory Bottle – Turquoise

10,90  (VAT not included)

Like the sea, immense and relaxing!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Turmeric Orange

10,90  (VAT not included)

The most sensorial and relaxing rainbow!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle Pack – Fantasy

31,00  (VAT not included)

¡Unicornios y sirenas que calman y entretienen!

Light, color and magic with the "fantasy" bottle pack. These 3 precious bottles, in different chromatic shades,mermaids and unicorns meet through a beautiful turquoise lake to give shape to their own fantastic world. The liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.


Multicolor balance stones

64,50  (VAT not included)

Routes, balance and fun!

These sturdy wooden balance stones, which can be used on both sides, not only appeal to the sense of balance and the desire to move of little adventurers, but also train balance and coordination with a lot of fun. The hemispherical elements made of sturdy foam, which are placed differently under each balancing stone, offer children a variety of challenges. Combined with each other, all stones form a creative balancing path with a difficulty level adjustable to their needs. Ideal for a multi-sensory or psychomotor room, living room or children's room. Ideal for outdoor play.

Triangle Pikler mobile multicolor – compact

155,90  (VAT not included)

Creativity, coordination and balance!

This climbing triangle sparks the creativity of little climbers with this wiggle toy. Younger children can use the triangle for their first attempts at standing up, while older children can climb the rungs and build caves, tunnels, bridges and houses.

With the Pikler triangle, we will encourage free and autonomous movement theory and facilitate exploration for young children. By climbing and playing in a safe environment at home, toddlers even train balance, skill, strength and coordination. Simple and compact design that integrates easily into any multi-sensory room, psychomotor room, living room or children's room. Ideal for outdoor play.

Recommended age from 12 months.